For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health's website at


Assisting Your Future 




TaxAssist currently offers the following services at the costs stipulated below:

New Company Registration

(Includes name reservation Standard Short MOI and share certificate

CIPC Annual Return

R750 + AR Fee
(per financial year)


They are exactly what they say: quick, easy, affordable. Highly recommended.
- Kerry Short
I have been with TaxAssist the past 3 years and have been amazed at how efficient their service and turn around time is. Thank you TaxAssist. You are a true jewel.
- Mathuto Motloung
Marius Higgs provided a speedy, friendly and professional service, I would recommend TaxAssist to anyone. Very satisfied customer!! Thank you!
- Chantel
If you are looking for an EXCELLENT accounting service and Tax Practitioner - please call Marius at TaxAssist (Joburg). Marius is extremely proactive and professional. He and his team offer a quick and efficient (very affordable) service for all my accounting and tax requirements - using an on line system that is so easy. You won't regret letting him do all the work so you can concentrate on building your business. Marius comes highly recommended!!
- John R


2023 Tax Season is opening 7 July 2023

The 2023 Tax Season for individual taxpayers are expected to open on 7 July 2023 and we await SARS to inform us when it will close.  This is for declaration of income and expenditure for the period 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023.

2021 Tax Season

2021 Tax Season is expected to open 1 July 2021

The 2021 Tax Season for individual taxpayers are expected to open on 1 July 2021 and expect to close on 23 November 2021 for taxpayers who file online.

Tax Compliance or Jail

The most important change that applies to all taxpayers is the one that criminalises negligent non-compliance; this and other administrative changes mean that taxpayers will be held to a higher standard, which serves as a cue for everyone to take ownership of their tax affairs

2020 Tax Season opens 1 September 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2020 Tax Season for Individuals will only start on 1 September 2020 and close on 16 November 2020 for taxpayers who file online.

Available Funding COVID-19

We recognize that with the constantly changing COVID-19 situation around the world, this is an unprecedented time for everyone in South Africa which we will remember for years to come. Our hearts and thoughts go out to each one of our loyal clients and their families, local and overseas.

We are still working and want you to know you have our dedicated commitment to continue providing you with our agreed monthly services and to keep your business up to date and compliant.    

We have compiled a list of all possible funding solutions available to you at this time. New information is distributed on a regular basis and we commit to sending you updated and accurate information to keep you as informed as possible.

2019 Tax Season Starts 1 July 2019

The 2019 Tax Season will open again this year on 1 July 2019 and individual tax payers have till 31 October 2019 to submit their tax returns.    

2015 Tax Season starts 1 July 2015

The 2015 Tax Season started on 1 July 2015 and ends on 27 November 2015.

Xero for Advocates in Private Practice

At TaxAssist we utilise world class accounting software to ensure that you gain the most value from our engagement. We also strive to improve your tax position as much as possible, but this objective will however only be achieved with your help.


Welcome to TaxAssist and Xero – you’ll love using beautiful accounting software that puts your financials at your fingertips.  Here you’ll find everything you need to know to thrive with Xero. But, before you dive in, let’s start with a quick introduction.

How to choose the right tax practitioner?

When using a tax practitioner to file your annual tax return, do not merely hire the first one you meet who says he/she knows how to file a tax return. Here are a few questions taxpayers can ask a tax professional before making the final decision of whom to use.